Our responsibility – whistleblower system and supply chain complaints procedure

For STOOF International GmbH, compliance with legal regulations, internal rules and the principles of our Code of Conduct is a top priority. Regulatory and legal violations must be identified at an early stage and comprehensively investigated. In this context, the investigation of violations in our own company, but also of human rights and environmental risks and breaches of duty in our own business area and along our supply chain, is particularly important to us.

Supply chain complaints procedure

Our supply chain complaints procedure is available to you as an employee, business partner or third party for reporting human rights and environmental risks and breaches of duty.

Human rights and environmental risks within the meaning of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act are in particular

  • Child labor,
  • Forced labor and slavery,
  • Local occupational health and safety violations with accident or work-related health hazards,
  • Disregard for freedom of association,
  • Discrimination and unequal treatment in employment,
  • Withholding an appropriate local (minimum) wage,
  • Causing harmful soil change, water pollution, air pollution, harmful noise emissions or excessive water consumption
  • Unlawful eviction, deprivation of land, forests and waters in the acquisition, development or other use of land, forests and waters, the use of which secures the livelihood of a person,
  • Non-environmentally sound handling, collection, storage and disposal of waste and export and import of hazardous waste

You can submit such a report via our online reporting channel:

Whistleblower System

As an employee, business partner or third party, you can use our whistleblower system to report other regulatory and legal violations outside of human rights and environmental risks.

Among other things, all violations that fall within the scope of the Whistleblower Protection Act can be reported there. This includes, in particular, reports on violations that are subject to penalties or fines, such as

  • Theft
  • Fraud, embezzlement or misappropriation
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Infringements of competition law
  • Money laundering
  • Occupational health and safety violations

You can also submit such a report via our online reporting channel: https://whistleblowersoftware.com/secure/meldestelle-stoof-international

Notifications as an important compliance component

Reports via our whistleblower system and our supply chain complaints procedure are particularly important to us and help us to identify, sustainably remedy and prevent misconduct in the future. In order for your report to be processed and investigated appropriately, it is important that the report is as specific as possible.

Enable our whistleblower system and supply chain complaints process:

  • the anonymity of the whistleblower (if desired)
  • the protection of whistleblowers, data subjects and third parties
  • a strictly confidential reporting channel
  • a fair and transparent procedure
  • fast processing of incoming messages

The whistleblower system and the supply chain complaints procedure must not be used for false accusations. Knowingly reporting false information is prohibited.

Notification of data protection breaches

A report of data protection violations, such as a breach of personal data protection, should not be made via the whistleblower system or the supply chain complaints procedure. For such a report, please use datenschutz-stoof@audatis.de